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發表於 2009-3-19 23:05:04 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
美國 - 普度大學專家說紐約時報上周發表的試圖把人類MRSA感染的來源歸咎給豬的觀點是“充滿猜測的”。

MRSA,(耐甲氧西林金黃色葡萄球菌Staphylococcus aureus),或稱抗藥葡萄球菌,在自然界隨處都能找到,根據畜牧微生物學家Paul Ebner的說法。他說儘管現在這種病原的感染越來越多,而豬和其他動物也可以成為這種病原的攜帶者,但絕大部分感染都是由於曾經與感染的人類發生過皮膚接觸。

現在的研究和資訊還很有限,在這樣的基礎上就得出結論是缺乏根據的,目前沒有證據顯示人感MRSA和豬或養豬生產有什麼聯繫,普度大學動物疾病與診斷實驗室微生物學主任、獸醫病理生物學教授Ching Ching Wu說。Wu說,有更多的科學證據證明,MRSA是在人類之間傳播,並從人傳給動物,而不是從動物傳給人。




2009年 3月 18日 星期三

升級   100%

發表於 2009-3-19 23:16:48 | 顯示全部樓層


Paul D. Ebner, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor 助理教授
Research Interests: Microbiology 微生物學

Research Focus
My research is primarily in molecular microbiology 分子微生物學. More specifically, I am interested in pre-harvest food safety issues 熟前食品安全主題 such as the impact of antibiotic use on antibiotic resistance development in pathogenic bacteria. Currently, I am working to develop new strategies to more safely reduce pathogen load in food animals prior to slaughter.

Research Techniques
  • Molecular biology techniques
  • Protein manipulation
  • Protein/protein and protein/DNA interaction assays
  • Fluorescent microscopy
  • Basic virology and bacteriology methods

[ 本帖最後由 pighead 於 2009-3-19 23:21 編輯 ]

升級   100%

發表於 2009-3-19 23:26:23 | 顯示全部樓層
Ching Ching Wu, D.V.M., Ph.D.
Professor of Microbiology
Head, Bacteriology and Mycology Section,
Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory
School of Veterinary Medicine
Purdue University
Overview of ResearchMicrobiology
    Microbial pathogenesis; host-parasite interactions; molecular detection and differentiation of microbial pathogens; recombinant and DNA vaccines; infectious bursal disease; avian coronaviral diseases; mycoplasmosis; salmonellosis; porcine pleuropneumonia; porcine respiratory and reproductive syndrome; Johne's disease; clinical microbiology; and antimicrobial susceptibility/resistance.

National Taiwan University 國立台灣大學D.V.M. 獸醫學學士1980
University of Minnesota 明尼蘇達大學Ph.D. 獸醫學博士1987
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