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2012末日恐慌 科學家看不下去了


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2012末日恐慌 科學家看不下去了
2009/10/18華視新聞 編譯朱小明/綜合報導

最近網路上盛傳,世界末日將在2012年12月21日來臨,沸沸揚揚的傳言包括,Nibiru行星 (X行星)正向地球迎面撞來,地球將遭超級太陽風暴襲擊,地球、太陽系和銀河中心將連成一線而造成南北極對調。證據之一是古代的「馬雅曆」只推算到2012年就打住,顯示馬雅人可能知道現代人不知道的事情。 末日派利用2012年傳言引起的騷動,大肆宣揚世界末日即將來臨,數十本書籍和許多「偽科學」網站紛紛出籠,下個月上片的好萊塢電影「2012」也趁機大作廣告,甚至舉辦「後2012年世界領袖」票選。

種種傳言讓許多人惶惶不安,美國太空總署 (NASA)科學家莫里森終於忍不住站出來澄清,Nibiru (Ne.Bi.Ru) 行星根本不存在,網路上的所謂Nibiru照片是假造的。

另外,有人說Nibiru躲在太陽背後、有人說明年在南半球即可用肉眼看到Nibiru,這些都不是真的。 至於太陽將運行至銀河中心的說法更離譜,行星或太陽也沒有和銀河連成一線,太陽系目前是以距銀河中心3萬光年的位置運行。

莫里森更指出,馬雅曆在2012年結束,並不代表馬雅人預言世界會在2012年告終。莫里森說:「我桌上的日曆在2009 年12月31日結束,並不代表世界會在這一天毀滅。」 柏克萊加州大學人類學教授喬艾斯則指出,馬雅人從未做過任何預言,2012年只是馬雅古曆展開下一輪的大約時間,類似汽車里程表在一定里程後重新計算的情形。2012年並非終止,而是下一個循環的開始。

這股風潮狂烈得使一些科學家感到關切,無法再坐視不理。莫里森主持「請教天文學家」網站,他表示愈來愈多人詢問2012年世界末日的問題。兩年前,一周大概只有一個人詢問相關問題,現在一天就有十餘人關切世界末日。有兩名青少年甚至宣稱不想看到世界末日而考慮自我了斷,也有家長說,孩子拒絕進食。 莫里森在太平洋天文學會網站發表「2012世界末日,Nibiru 行星和宇宙恐慌」的文章,以十個常見問題解答許多疑惑,他保證,古代人對宇宙所知並不比今人更多。


[轉載] Planet X- Nibiru 真相本文轉載自網友 ( http://hi.@@@/639404/]Sonnylin[/url] ) Planet X- Nibiru,NASA科學家的說法 有關於2012年Nibiru的問題,NASA亦不勝其擾,並疲於答覆,茲將NASA網站上有關這類問題的問題與答覆翻譯如下,供大家參考,翻譯功力不佳,敬請指教。

原文:http://astrobiology.nasa.gov/ask ... t/question/?id=2759 Nibiru Redux: Six recent questions about Nibiru:
(1) I have found a lot of stuff about a so called planet. Planet x or nibiru. It anything they say possible like revolving around the sun clockwise and it has been said that its orbit is way far out past Pluto. Also there are statements that it has a 3600 year orbit around the sun an that is is supposed to return in the near future. Is this possible at all? It sounds fishy to me, but there are supposed pics of it and a lot of scientist talk about it. I even wikipedia searched it. I would just like to find out some info please.
(2) Nibiru does exist and I can prove it. Nibiru is in the old testament Exodus 6:4. and you are watching Nibiru from a lab on the south pole. also I have images from a telescope of Nibiru. and people from the southern hemisphere can see Nibiru in the daytime. is that proof enough for you?
(3) many signs tell that something big is out there coming and why wouldn't it be true about nibiru / planet x there is a lot of fact historical and scientific but i do understand your awnser but why build a telescope at the south pole an photos and such with this redish dwarf star moving fast in 1983 it was 50 billion miles away and 10 years later it is alot closer is it hiding behind the sun i know you all dont want to start a world wide panic.
(4) I read were you said that Nibiru is a hoax. My question to you is why would anyone let the american population know about such a catastrophy? Isnt it the governments job to keep the population at ease?
(5) You say Nibiru is a hoax, and no such planet exists, but is Nibiru not Eris?
(6) What is this a picture of?


It's said to be Nibiru, but as you say Nibiru is a hoax. so what is this really a photo of? I hope this is my last comment on the Nibiru hoax, but questions like the above six keep coming in. Most of the entries on the Internet about Nibiru are false. Wikipedia has it correct when they write that "Nibiru is a name in Sumerian, Babylonian astrology associated with the god Marduk, generally accepted as referring to the planet Jupiter." The rest is a hoax, including all the "stuff" questioner #! found on the internet. Questioners #2 and #3 mention the astronomical observatory at the South Pole, but I assure you these astronomers are not looking at Nibiru. The Antarctic is a great place for astronomical infrared and short-wave-radio observations, and it also has the advantage that objects can be observed continuously without the interference of the day-night cycle. If the questioner really thinks that Nibiru is visible in the daytime in the southern hemisphere, they are very confused; this sort of statement is obviously false. Questioners #3 and #4 seem to think that the government would hide information about Nibiru and the catastrophe supposedly due in a few years, but I can't imagine why. My experience is, in fact, that sometimes parts of the government do just the opposite, as in the frequent references to various terrorist threats or warnings about driving accidents on long holiday weekends, which are no more dangerous than any other time. In any case, the job of NASA scientists is to discover and tell the truth! Questioner (5) asks if Nibiru is the same as Eris, and the answer is an emphatic no. This Nibiru hoax has been around for a decade, including predictions that Nibiru would pass close to Earth and cause a catastrophe about 5 years ago. (Guess what: it didn't happen!). Eris, in contrast, is one of several dwarf planets recently found by astronomers in the outer part of out solar system, all of them on normal orbits that will never bring them close to Earth. There is a good write-up on Eris in Wikipedia. Finally, Questioner (6) asks me to identify two pictures. I could perhaps do so if I knew the type of telescope and camera used and the scale of photos. Without that information, I can only guess that (if these photos are real) these might be images of a gas cloud (nebula) ejected by a star in its old age. They are obviously very distant, since we see stars in the foreground superposed on the nebula. Also, since the stars are the same, this object (if it is real) has not moved between the dates of the two photos. It is just crazy that anyone would claim that these are photos of a planet in our own solar system. Let me say once again that Nibiru is a hoax promoted by a cult; it does not exist, and it certainly poses no threat to us. It saddens me that people would be taken in by such nonsense. David Morrison NAI Senior Scientist February 7, 2008



有人說成是Nibiru,但,就如你們所說Nibiru是個騙局。那麼實際上,這是什麼的照片呢? 我希望這是我對於Nibiru騙局最後一次提出評論,但是與上面六個類似的問題還是不斷湧入。網際網路上與Nibiru有關的欄目絕大多數都是假的。維基百科在寫到"Nibiru是一個蘇美人的名稱,巴比倫星象學中與神Marduk有關,一般認為是木星"時,已做了更正。其他的都是騙局,包括1號提問者在網際網路上所有發現到的"東西"。提問者2與3提到了,位在南極的天文台,但我向你保證,這些天文學家觀察的不是Nibiru。南極地區是設立紅外線與無線電短波天文台的絕佳場所,它具有不受日夜週期干擾持續觀察天體的優勢。假使提問者真的認為Nibiru在南半球的白天可以目視看到,他們會感到非常迷惑;這類說法顯然是假的。提問者3與4似乎認為政府會隱匿有關於Nibiru的資訊,而想像中的大災難將於數年內到來,但是,我無法想像其理由為何。事實上,我的經驗是,常常政府所做的工作正好與之相反,就好像常常看到的對於各種恐怖份子威脅或長週末假期的交通意外事故警告,在任何時候都是很危險的。不管在什麼情況下,NASA科學家的工作,就是在發現並說出真相!提問者(5)問到,Nibiru與Eris是不是一樣,其答覆是:斬釘截鐵的"不是"。這個Nibiru騙局存在大概有十年了,包括大概5年前所做,預測Nibiru將會與地球擦身而過,並引起大災難。(你猜結果如何:根本沒有發生!)相對的,Eris是數個最近由天文學家所發現,位在太陽系外的矮行星之一,它們全在正常的軌道上,而其軌道永遠不會將之帶到靠近地球之處。在維基百科中有對於Eris的正面報導。最後提問者(6)要求我鑑識兩張照片。如果我知道所使用之望遠鏡與相機的型式,以及照片的尺寸,我或許可以這麼做。缺少這些資訊,我只能猜測(假設這些照片都是真的)這些可能是由年邁之星體所噴出的氣體雲(星雲)的影像。很明顯的,它們的距離非常遙遠,因為我們可以看前景中的星體疊於星雲之上。同樣的,由於星體都是一樣的,該星體(若其為真)在照片的兩個日期之間並未移動。這只是有人很瘋狂地想宣稱這些照片是我們太陽中的一個行星的照片。容我再次地說,Nibiru是異教(a cult)所發動的騙局;它並不存在,且可以確定的是對我們不具威脅。讓我憂心的是,人們會被這類的荒謬東西所欺騙。

大衛莫里森 David Morrison February 7, 2008
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