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發表於 2011-8-7 09:46:06 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
Live attenuated vaccines were demonstrated to be very efficient at preventing disease. The first immunisation experiments with live attenuated lapinised strains (attenuated after serial passages in rabbits) were performed over 60 years ago (Koprowski et al., 1946). Since then, little progress has been made in this field. CSFV attenuated vaccines are safe, induce high levels of neutralising antibodies and are capable of protecting against highly virulent strains of CSFV, even in pregnant sows as early as 5 days after vaccination. Attenuated CSFV vaccines remain the method of choice to control the disease, especially in areas in which CSF remains enzootic.
The mechanisms mediating the protection conferred by attenuated strains of CSFV are not fully understood. Vaccinated animals are protected against disease before neutralizing antibodies are detected (Suradhat et al., 2001). After vaccination with the C strain, antibodies are detectable as early as 12 days post-immunisation, reaching a peak at 4–12 weeks (Precausta et al., 1983; Terpstra et al., 1990). Antibodies can persist for life in animals that have received a single dose of vaccine (Terpstra and Tielen, 1976).
Two vaccines licensed by the European Agency for the Evaluation of Medicinal Products (EMEA) are commercially available (Bayovac CSF, Bayer; Porcilis Pestis, Intervet). Vaccinated animals develop specific antibodies that exclusively recognize the E2 glycoprotein, whereas pigs infected with field strains of CSFV also develop antibodies against the Erns protein, which can be distinguished with a specific enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) (de Smit et al., 2001). Despite the advantages of using subunit vaccines, their protective efficacy is still under evaluation (Paton and Greiser-Wilke, 2003; Greiser-Wilke and Moennig, 2004).
Compared with classical attenuated vaccines, the protection conferred with subunit vaccines is much more limited, especially among pregnant sows, and there is a higher risk of establishment of persistently infected individuals (Ahrens et al., 2000; Depner et al., 2001; de Smit et al., 2001; Paton and Greiser-Wilke, 2003; van Oirschot, 2003b; Greiser-Wilke and Moennig, 2004; Vannier, 2004).
Two final reasons, both related to the lack of efficient differential diagnostic methods, have contributed to the non-implementation of these vaccine strategies as an emergency measure in the field (Vannier, 2004). Firstly, specific antibodies against Erns are not developed until 3–6 weeks after natural infection with field strains of CSFV (depending on the virulence of the CSFV strain), which makes the differential diagnosis at early stages of infection difficult (de Smit et al., 2000). Secondly, the available Erns based ELISAs are still far from being as sensitive and specific as the E2 based ELISAs (Greiser-Wilke and Moennig, 2004).



[ 本帖最後由 蘇少儀 於 2011-8-7 09:52 編輯 ]

升級   46.68%

發表於 2011-8-7 12:37:29 | 顯示全部樓層
活變稀的疫苗被展示是非常高效率的在防止疾病。 第一個防染處理實驗與變稀的活lapinised張力(變稀,在連續段落在兔子)之後執行了在60年期間前(等Koprowski, 1946)。 從那以後,一點進展在這個領域被做了。 CSFV變稀的疫苗是安全的,導致高水平中立化的抗體并且是能保護反對高度CSFV劇毒張力,甚而在懷孕的母豬早在5天在接種以後。 變稀的CSFV疫苗保持控制疾病的選擇方式,特別是在CSF保持地方性的區域。
斡旋保護的機制由CSFV變稀的張力商談了不充分地被瞭解。 被接種的動物被保護免受疾病,在中立化的抗體被查出之前(等Suradhat, 2001)。 在接種以後以C張力,抗體早在12天崗位防染處理是可發現的,到達峰頂在4-12個星期(等Precausta, 1983年; Terpstra等, 1990)。 抗體可能堅持在生活在接受了疫苗唯一藥量的動物中(Terpstra和Tielen 1976)。
歐洲代辦處准許的二疫苗為醫藥產品(EMEA)的評估是買得到的(Bayovac CSF,貝爾; Porcilis Pestis, Intervet)。 被接種的動物開發完全認可E2糖蛋白的具體抗體,而豬感染CSFV領域張力也開發抗體反對Erns蛋白質,可以區別以一個具體酵素連接的免疫吸附劑分析用試樣(ELISA) (de等Smit, 2001)。 儘管使用亞單位疫苗的好處,他們的防護效力仍然在評估之下(Paton和Greiser-Wilke 2003年; Greiser-Wilke和Moennig 2004)。
比較古典變稀的疫苗,保護商談了與亞單位疫苗是特別是在懷孕的母豬之中被限制, much more,并且有堅持地被傳染的個體(等Ahrens的創立的更高的風險, 2000年; Depner等, 2001年; de Smit等, 2001年; Paton和Greiser-Wilke 2003年; van Oirschot, 2003b; Greiser-Wilke和Moennig 2004年; Vannier 2004)。
二個最後的原因,兩相關到缺乏高效率的有差別的診斷方法,對這些疫苗戰略的非實施在領域(Vannier貢獻了作為一項緊急措施2004)。 首先,具體抗體反對Erns沒有被開發直到3-6個星期在自然傳染以後以CSFV領域張力(根據CSFV張力的劇毒),使有差別的診斷在傳染早期困難(de等Smit, 2000)。 第二,可利用的Erns基於ELISAs仍然是離是一樣敏感的和具體很遠的地方像E2基於ELISAs (Greiser-Wilke和Moennig 2004)。

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 樓主| 發表於 2011-8-7 16:55:53 | 顯示全部樓層

Live attenuated vaccines were demonstrated to be very efficient at preventing disease.
The first immunisation experiments with live attenuated lapinised strains (attenuated after serial passages in rabbits) were performed over 60 years ago (Koprowski et al., 1946). Since then, little progress has been made in this field. CSFV attenuated vaccines are safe, induce high levels of neutralising antibodies and are capable of protecting against highly virulent strains of CSFV, even in pregnant sows as early as 5 days after vaccination.
Attenuated CSFV vaccines remain the method of choice to control the disease, especially in areas in which CSF remains enzootic.
The mechanisms mediating the protection conferred by attenuated strains of CSFV are not fully understood. Vaccinated animals are protected against disease before neutralizing antibodies are detected (Suradhat et al., 2001).
After vaccination with the C strain, antibodies are detectable as early as 12 days post-immunisation, reaching a peak at 4–12 weeks (Precausta et al., 1983; Terpstra et al., 1990). Antibodies can persist for life in animals that have received a single dose of vaccine (Terpstra and Tielen, 1976).
Two vaccines licensed by the European Agency for the Evaluation of Medicinal Products (EMEA) are commercially available (Bayovac CSF, Bayer; Porcilis Pestis, Intervet).  Vaccinated animals develop specific antibodies that exclusively recognize the E2 glycoprotein, whereas pigs infected with field strains of CSFV also develop antibodies against the Erns protein, which can be distinguished with a specific enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) (de Smit et al., 2001). Despite the advantages of using subunit vaccines, their protective efficacy is still under evaluation (Paton and Greiser-Wilke, 2003; Greiser-Wilke and Moennig, 2004).
Bayovac CSF, Bayer及Porcilis Pestis, Intervet等二種經歐盟醫療產品評估機構(EMEA)核准上市的疫苗,使用此二種疫苗接種豬隻後產生的抗體只與豬瘟病毒結構上特定的E2醣蛋白(E2 glycoprotein)結合,而豬隻感染野外病毒株後,除對E2醣蛋白產生抗體外,亦對Erns蛋白質產生抗體,因此可應用此一差異,使用檢測Erns蛋白質的酵素連結免疫吸附法(ELISA)作為區別疫苗接種或野外病毒感染之用.估不論次單位疫苗的優點,其保護效力仍在評估之中.
Compared with classical attenuated vaccines, the protection conferred with subunit vaccines is much more limited, especially among pregnant sows, and there is a higher risk of establishment of persistently infected individuals (Ahrens et al., 2000; Depner et al., 2001; de Smit et al., 2001; Paton and Greiser-Wilke, 2003; van Oirschot, 2003b; Greiser-Wilke and Moennig, 2004; Vannier, 2004).
Two final reasons, both related to the lack of efficient differential diagnostic methods, have contributed to the non-implementation of these vaccine strategies as an emergency measure in the field (Vannier, 2004). Firstly, specific antibodies against Erns are not developed until 3–6 weeks after natural infection with field strains of CSFV (depending on the virulence of the CSFV strain), which makes the differential diagnosis at early stages of infection difficult (de Smit et al., 2000). Secondly, the available Erns based ELISAs are still far from being as sensitive and specific as the E2 based ELISAs (Greiser-Wilke and Moennig, 2004).

[ 本帖最後由 蘇少儀 於 2011-8-7 17:15 編輯 ]

升級   65.65%

發表於 2011-8-7 17:52:10 | 顯示全部樓層

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發表於 2011-8-7 18:57:36 | 顯示全部樓層

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 樓主| 發表於 2011-8-8 08:26:35 | 顯示全部樓層



[ 本帖最後由 蘇少儀 於 2011-8-8 10:14 編輯 ]

升級   6.37%

發表於 2011-11-11 15:09:39 | 顯示全部樓層
Title:         豬瘟E2次單位標識疫苗之田間試驗暨保護效力試驗
Other Titles:         Classical Swine Fever E2 Subunit Marker Vaccine : Field Trial and Assessment of Protective Efficacy
Authors:         李維誠
WeiCheng Lee

Keywords:         豬瘟;E2次單位疫苗;保護效力
Issue Date:         28-十一月-2009
Publisher:         國立中興大學 
Abstract:         豬瘟E2次單位疫苗為近年來新開發出之標識疫苗,對豬瘟具有良好的保護效益。為進一步評估此次單位疫苗在本土試驗上對豬之保護及在田間使用上對本病防治之效益,以作為我國豬瘟清除計劃推行之參考。因此,本試驗以E2次單位疫苗仍針對一豬瘟污染場,以大規模免疫方式對全場母豬與6週齡以上豬隻進行免疫注射,爾後定期於4及8週齡時各免疫一次,田間試驗期間並針對部分試驗豬進行不同免疫計劃注射,包括4週齡豬隻經單次免疫或在2及6週齡各免疫一次等,定期採血,以ELISA (CeditestO CSF E2 Ab ELISA)及中和試驗檢測抗體之激發與持續狀況。由血清抗體結果顯示在2及6週齡和4及8週免疫的豬隻,其抗體均可維持到上市(PI=103.53-104.86%,SN=7.57-8.1 log2 ),而僅在4週齡免疫一次的豬隻,其抗體亦可維持到上市(PI=88.44±15.58%,SN=6.22±1.2 log2),惟其平均抗體力價及整齊度略低於免疫兩次者。為進一步瞭解移行抗體之干擾現象,部分試驗豬之免疫計劃提前於2週齡免疫。此結果顯示移行抗體對E2次單位疫苗不具干擾現象,即使祇於2週齡免疫一次者,陽性ELIA抗體仍可維持至上市(PI=97.97%±10.54)或中和抗體力價可維持在128倍(7.25±1.13 log2)。為監控E2次單位疫苗於田間豬瘟污染場使用後,對於豬瘟清淨之效益,此監控結合病理、抗原ELISA及間接螢光染色法和RT-PCR等方法來監控豬場病弱族群之病毒潛在狀況,亦利用區別診斷試劑檢測Erns抗體呈現情形,以評估豬場之清淨度。在未進行免疫前,此污染場Erns抗原檢出率約為1.07%、Erns抗體檢出率約為20%。經E2次單位疫苗免疫後,健康肉豬群與病弱豬群均未曾有再遭受豬瘟病毒感染之證據。為進一步瞭解E2次單位疫苗在本土實驗之保護效力,因而,進行免疫後人工感染或同居感染之動物試驗,結果顯示E2次單位疫苗在免疫後2週即可產生足夠的中和抗體來抵抗豬瘟病毒的攻擊,豬隻均存活,但仍有些許的豬隻會有輕微發病但不會死亡,而在免疫後3週與補強後2週攻毒組均即可完全抵抗豬瘟病毒的攻擊及阻斷水平之傳染。綜合以上試驗結果顯示,E2次單位疫苗不僅不受移行抗體干擾,其抗體可在免疫後呈快速且穩定揚升並可持續至上市,這些中和抗體來抵抗豬瘟病毒株的攻擊,並可有效阻止豬瘟病毒的傳播;此外可利用區別診斷試劑以鑑別野外病毒之感染,此有助於我國對豬瘟清除之推行。

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