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發表於 2007-2-10 19:33:52 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
A man died and went to Heaven. As he stood in front of St. Peter at the Pearly Gates, he saw a huge wall of clocks behind him.   
  某人死後來到天國,在天國門口遇到了聖彼 得,同時看見聖彼得後面的一大片牆上掛滿了時鐘。


  He asked, "Whatever are all those clocks for?"




St. Peter answered, "Those are lie-clocks. Everyone on Earth has a lie-clock. Every time you tell a lie, the hands on your clock will move atiny bit."

  聖彼得回道:「那些都是記錄扯謊的鐘,每 個人一生都跟隨著一個扯謊的鐘,他每扯一次謊時鐘的指針就動一小格。」


said the man, pointing at a clock still at 12, "whose clock is that?"

「喔!」這人回應,並指著一個仍停留在十 二點的鐘問:「那個鐘是誰的呢?」

"That's Mother Teresa's. The hands have never moved, indicating that she was totally honest."

「那是泰瑞莎修女的,它的指針從未動過, 這表示她一生都沒扯過謊,是個很坦誠的人。」

  "I see," said the man. "And whose clock is that one?"

「我明白了。」此人說道;「那個鐘又是誰 的呢?」

St. Peter responded, "That's George Washington's clock. The hands have moved twice, telling us that he told only two lies in his entire life."

聖彼得回道:「那是喬治 ˙華盛頓的鐘,它的指針動過二次,這表示他這一生只扯過二次謊 。」

"Why this clock point at 11:59, was that man more honest than MotherTeresa?"

「那這個鐘為什麼指到 1159分,難道此人比泰瑞莎修女 還要誠實?」

St. Peter replied again, "No, that's Bill Clinton's clock ;telling that he told lies many times in his leader period. One more lie the clock will point at 12."

聖彼得又回答:「錯了!那是比爾 ˙柯林頓的。這表示他在總統任內謊言不斷,再加上一次就可以回 到12點了。」



"Where's Chen Shuei-Bian's (President of Taiwan) clock?" asked the man.



And St. Peter replied, "Abian's clock is in my office; I'm using it for a ceiling fan!"

聖彼得回應道:「阿扁的鐘在我辦公室,我 把它裝在天花板上當風扇用了。」

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