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[轉貼] PEDV:鎖住你的農場大門


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發表於 2014-2-7 08:10:03 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
生物安全高度重視在對豬傳染性病毒IPPE討論   發布日期: 201425

豬流行性腹瀉病毒的情況下  PEDV)的報導,在美國不到一年的時間。就在這個時候,獸醫學到了很多關於這個疾病的,但也有未回答的問題。

“什麼是已知的是這種病毒具有很高的死亡率,高達100%的非常年輕的動物死亡和病毒是非常穩定的,能夠留在一個環境,星期,這可能會導致持續的損失,”博士說:瑪麗授予Battrell,高級生產豬獸醫在墨菲-布朗有限責任公司,在國際集約化畜牧生產的豬肉2014年期間舉行的峰會豬流行性腹瀉病毒圓桌討論國際生產加工博覽會  IPPE)。本次峰會贊助VIV的荷蘭的貿易展覽會組織者。






雖然早期預測稱2014年是一年的盈利紀錄,從日元貶值事情 - 這使得美國生產的豬肉更貴 - 對豬流行性腹瀉病毒的傳播可能會影響預測。



Biosecurity highly emphasized at IPPE discussion on contagious pig virus    Release Date: 2014年2月5日
Cases of porcine epidemic diarrhea virus (PEDV) have been reported in the U.S. for less than a year. In this time, veterinarians have learned a lot about the disease but also have unanswered questions.

"What is known is this virus has a high mortality rate-up to 100 percent of very young animals die-and the virus is very stable, capable of remaining in an environment for weeks, which can lead to ongoing losses," said Dr. Mary Battrell, senior production swine veterinarian at Murphy-Brown LLC, at the VIV International Pork Production Summit Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Virus roundtable discussion held during the 2014 International Production & Processing Expo (IPPE). The summit was sponsored by Dutch-based trade show organizers of VIV.

Although the method of transmission in not certain, it is clear that the virus is highly contagious.

"Basically, the bottom line is you need to lock your farm down. There's a lot of positive ways PEDV can get into a farm," Battrell said. "We need to put a lot of emphasis on biosecurity."

Dr. Matthew Turner of Prestage Farms pointed out that production is slow to recover following a wave of PEDV for a number of reasons. Although PED is similar in ways to transmissible gastroenteritis (TGE), PED is much harder to get rid of, and the production cycle can be affected for as long as several months. Because pigs shed enormous amounts of this highly infectious virus, it is difficult for sows to protect their young by passing on immunity. Also, abortions and reduced conception rates may be associated with a PEDV outbreak, sometimes caused when porcine reproductive and respiratory virus spreads at the same time.

In his presentation on the future of the U.S. pork sector in a global perspective, James Kenwood, managing director of Rabobank International, observed that pork is the leading globally consumed meat protein, with chicken catching up and beef fairly stable. He also noted that China is an important part of that calculus. It is the largest single protein-consuming market, and pork represents nearly 75 percent of all protein consumed. These numbers could add up to good news for the U.S., which has already benefitted from increased global pork demand, particularly if China follows the model of Japan.

"The outlook for the pork sector is based on understanding the value chain," Kenwood said, using Atlanta's blast of snowy weather to remind the audience that weather is one reason why the pork value chain is volatile and "not for the faint of heart."

Although early predictions call for 2014 to be a year of record profitability, anything from devaluation of the yen - which makes U.S. produced pork more expensive - to the spread of the PEDV could affect that forecast.

From a Chinese perspective, Ma Chuang, vice secretary general, Chinese Association of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine and partner, Boyar Communication Co., detailed some of the challenges and opportunities ahead. He shared that beef and mutton prices in China have soared, making pork a more affordable option for consumers who crave more protein in their diets. If beef production cannot meet this demand, then other sources will have an opening, including pork and poultry. Demand for poultry has also risen, although it was hit by the outbreak of H7N9 bird flu last year. Importation of pork and edible offal is also expected to grow.

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