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大麥草飼料成長系統設計為環控培養大麥草。 實際應用的研究和多年在農場種植和餵養牲畜探討出的低成本高營養的飼料。 一般農戶喜好的半自動化系統對他們來說意味著更少的工作。更大的收益.

大麥草飼料系統在生產技術下,在超過12個地區的全球許可和特許經營安排。 世界上大多數國家目前都有生產許可證和特許經營商.研發銷售中。在亞洲我門是第一家開發經銷的公司
對 豬的效益.養殖餵食用的是生鮮綠草.其本身就豐富的礦物質.酵素.葉綠素.有效的是其活化的成分是完全天然架構.應單胃性動物對纖維裂解弱.調配加酶劑 和乳酸.增加消化率.活化胺基酸群.在飼養過程其增肉率完全合乎ARC.NRC標準.因含有豐富血紅素蛋白質.免疫力超強.不須施打藥劑增加抗體.更驚人 之事.其長幾乎是零污染 目前還在研討証驗中.


可上GOOGLE 搜尋(超級豬飼料).片中有餵養飼料片段
[color=black !important][backcolor=white !important]Fodder Solutions barley sprouts have been tested at every stage of growth.  The peak spectrum of nutrients are available at the 6 day growth stage, this is when the barley sprouts are harvested.  The nutritional breakdown of the barley sprouts shows that the sprouts are very high in energy and protein and contain sufficient of these to meet the needs of most stock.
[color=black !important][backcolor=white !important]Barley grass is considered the most nutritional of the green grasses containing an abundance of nutrients unsurpassed by any other type of grass. The benefits of fresh green feed such as barley grass have been well documented over the past 50 years.
[color=black !important][backcolor=white !important]Barley grass has shown to increase the overall health of the animal through better digestion of the hay and grain. While overall wellness is the most noted result, studies indicate improved performance results in other areas as well. Not only will animals be healthier but also they will experience:
  • [color=black !important][backcolor=white !important]Greater energy and vitality

  • [color=black !important][backcolor=white !important]Stimulates the immune response

  • [color=black !important][backcolor=white !important]Reduction in antinutritional factors

  • [color=black !important][backcolor=white !important]Antioxidant properties

[color=black !important][backcolor=white !important]Independent research studies have been conducted by qualified academic institutes that prove the value of using barley grass. These studies show that barley grass is both beneficial to livestock and cost effective as a substitute for the traditional fodder supplements.

BenefitsThere are many benefits to be found from using fresh “Dr Green” barley grass that has been organically-hydroponically grown. When barley is sprouted it releases many vitamins and minerals as well as converting hard to digest starches in easily digestable proteins
Benefits of using a Fodder Solutions system
  • Forget about waiting for rain or soil moisture to plant
  • No more moving irrigation lines, ploughing fields, mowing, windrowing, bailing and hammermilling.
  • Save on feed prices – Instead of paying high feed prices in tough times you can hedge your investments, buy when others are selling their stock cheap and sell when others are paying high prices. With a Fodder Solutions system you can take control of your feeding and production.
  • Organic and affordable – Growing demand for economical “natural” animal feed as well as concerns relating to animal feed safety and the environment make Fodder Solutions systems an attractive means of producing affordable organic “green” feeds.

孟匡宗 0910097548

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