中英文對照 Welcome to our new website! (歡迎來到我們SGI的新網站) Swine Genetics International - Featuring the best Boars in world-wide AI swine genetics.
(國際豬隻遺傳公司 - 以世界最佳 AI 遺傳性能的公豬為特色) We specialize in Boar Reproduction. Collecting Semen from the best Boars available, our liquid and frozen Boar Semen is the best in the Swine Insemination business. We offer AI equipement and products as well to ensure you have the best quality swine Insemination tools available. (我們著重在種公豬的繁殖性能,從現有最佳性能表現公豬收集其精液,我們所販賣的新鮮及冷凍精液是公豬授精商務上最具優勢者,本公司提供AI設備與相關產品,讓您具備最佳的豬隻授精工具) Swine Genetics International, Ltd offers the ultimate in world-wide genetics through liquid and frozen semen. Success at the finish depends on where you start... With swine semen available from Duroc, Yorkshire, Landrace, Hampshire, Chester White, Berkshire, Poland, Spotted, and Terminal Line breeds, why not start with SGI, a proven source of QUALITY?
(國際豬隻遺傳有限公司提供全球最高品質的新鮮及冷凍精液,要在結果上獲致成功,必須依靠從哪裡開始,也就是您需要從杜洛克、約克夏、藍瑞斯、漢布夏、契斯特白、盤克夏、波中豬、斑點豬及各種終端公豬系品種的精液開始,何不就從SGI公司開始,這是一個各界已證實的品質保證之處) |