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[國外] 美國研究人員找出第三個 PEDv 病毒株


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發表於 2015-1-10 11:19:43 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式







US researchers identify third PEDv strain
Researchers in the United States have identified a new strain of Porcine Epidemic Diarrhoea virus (PEDv), which is as, if not more, virulent as the initial strain that emerged in the US in early 2013.

Assistant professor of veterinary population medicine at the University of Minnesota, Douglas Marthaler, reported the strain in a journal from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention last month. Marthaler believes this strain is a mutation of the original.

Marthaler was quoted by Reuters as saying that it is the nature of viruses like PEDv to evolve as they replicate: "The virus is always changing."

Although the new strain has only been identified now, it is not sure how long it has existed without detection. It is also unclear if the new strain even exists outside of Minnesota.

A second strain of PEDv, was first reported in February 2014 by the Ohio Department of Agriculture, it is considered to be a less virulent strain.

PS. Google 機器人翻的 ... 有興趣的自己校正提出 --- 再修正!

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發表於 2015-1-14 02:01:01 | 顯示全部樓層
本帖最後由 kinray 於 2015-1-14 02:02 編輯

小弟不才,簡單翻譯~ 若有錯誤,請予指教

New strain of PED virus detected in Minnesota
A new strain of porcine epidemic diarrhea virus has been found in a Minnesota herd.
From WATTAgNet:
U.S. researchers have identified a new strain of porcine epidemic diarrhea (PED) virus, a sign the virus will keep mutating as producers work to contain it.
The third PED virus strain was detected in a Minnesota hog herd and found to be at least as virulent as an original strain that emerged in the United States in early 2013, Douglas Marthaler, assistant professor of veterinary population medicine at the University of Minnesota, said on January 5.
這是第三株的PED病毒株在明尼蘇達州的豬群場被發現,且含有原始病毒株的毒性力價。最早是在美國2013年初出現。Douglas Marthaler,這位明尼蘇達大學流行性疾病獸醫藥學系的助理教授在1月5日如此說
Marthaler, who reported on the strain in December in a journal from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, believes the strain is a mutation of the original. A second, less-virulent strain had previously been identified.
The original strain may have mutated in response to increased immunity in herds, Marthaler said. It is also the nature of viruses like PED virus to evolve as they replicate.
隨著豬群免疫反應增強,導致原始病毒株可能跟著突變。Marthaler教授說: PED病毒株也是相同的原理,當他們在進行複製時,也會產生突變。
"The virus is always changing," Marthaler said.
Marthaler教授說: 病毒總是不斷在改變(意指突變)
The impact on hog production from the emergence of the new strain is unclear. It could have existed in the United States without being detected since early 2013 or could be a new mutation, experts said. It is unknown whether the third strain even exists outside of the Minnesota herd in which it was found, Marthaler said.

Hog producers need to take the same precautions to prevent the new strain from spreading as they did for the previous two strains, including washing clothing, trucks and equipment.


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